Getting the Lowest Work Comp Cost
Getting the lowest Work Comp costs is NOT Brain Surgery..
It’s a simple proceedure and we do it EVERY Day.
Right now, there are forces at work that are kicking up your Workers Comp Cost.. Inflating your bills and well, just ’dipping their hands’ into your pocket. You don’t know about it because it’s not your business to know. Your business is Home Health Care!
You’ve been told that you have little or NO control over Workers Comp Cost AND IT’S JUST NOT SO!
We use a Proprietary 3 Step Method lets you GRAB CONTROL from those people that ‘dip their hands’ into your pocket on a regular basis
Here’s how it’s Done..
#1: We have the rates for EVERY company in the state.. EVERY ONE OF ‘EM.
#2: We use our Comparison Processor and run them through a ‘Matrix’
#3 We take the results and MARKET YOUR ACCOUNT to get BIDS for YOUR business.
Once the numbers are in, we present the results!
After that, it’s IMPERATIVE that you maintain control and avoid COST CREEP.. So, we keep up on things FOR YOU…
Here’s the short list of what you can expect:
1. Review Classifications for ‘best use’ determination
2. Review OPEN CLAIMS to assure that they are closed in a timely manner.
3. Review XMOD worksheets for error and correction
4. Prep you/your staff for Premium Audits
5. Review audit worksheets with you fir error and correction
6. File DISPUTED AUDIT notice when needed
7. Handle Certificates of Insurance
8. File CHANGE OF PREMIUM BASIS notice based on return premium audits or projected payroll changes.
9. Provide you with an in-house Certificate Management Program for use with vendors and sub contractors
10. Set up annual review discussions
Call me now… let us get to work for you!
PJ 201 945 3100
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